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Exploring Our Own Nature


Natureofthings speaks clearly for itself. It feels like wearing nature on your skin, being naked, vulnerable, and most importantly feeling comfortable. As nature and human essence are the main topics that my photography explores, the concept for the photo shoot came  naturally to me. I could not imagine anything else than being by the sea, surrounded by the rocks while admiring the beautiful scenery of never-ending blues. The photo series I have chosen to capture was on a black and white film, which I received from a very special person. I have never tried it before. I had no idea, nor expectations how the pictures would turn out. Once I received them, it made me question and the only thing that came to my mind was - "anatomy of a human body", what more precious and exotic can there be. It was not a love story from the very first sight, but the more I looked at them, the more I felt - I was falling in love. 

Words by photographer Vilma Aliukonytė who captured these images for natureofthings near Barcelona, Spain.

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